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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Don’t gamble with Fairchild

Wake up, Spokane! (“Casino, base may be compatible,” March 3)

The Spokane Tribe has a reservation with 155,000 acres, with two operating casinos and alternate support industries, such as mining and lumber. The Spokane Tribe does not qualify for an off-reservation casino because of their existing assets. A Spokane Tribe casino jeopardizes Spokane and our state overall by setting a precedent allowing any tribe to build a casino off reservation.

The Kalispels were given an exception as they had no industry to support their people on their 4,500-acre reservation, where one-half of their land is a flood plain and the other half is on the side of a hill.

Budget cuts and encroachment issues by the Spokane Tribe all put Fairchild Air Force Base at risk – don’t gamble this base asset away!

Bret Michael Wheeler


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