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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Author’s work well-traveled

 Near the north pole of Mars, a piece of Ray Bradbury lives on, waiting to be discovered by someone in the future.

 A digital copy of Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles” along with works by other science fiction legends was flown into space in 2007 by NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft, which touched down on the Martian arctic plains.

 Bradbury did not live to see NASA’s upcoming robotic mission to Mars – the landing of a one-ton rover called Curiosity near the Martian equator in August. Several weeks ago, Lou Friedman, the former head of the Planetary Society, asked Bradbury if he would record a video message about the upcoming landing. Bradbury agreed but the filming never happened.

 Friedman has proposed a tribute: Rename Curiosity’s landing site the Ray Bradbury Memorial Station.

Associated Press