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The Slice: Nothing like a hot shower

Let’s start with one of the more personal questions ever asked in The Slice.

Potentially it is, anyway.

This is for guys who shave in the shower.

Gentlemen, after lathering up your face, what do you do with the shaving cream still on your hands?

“Let the streams of water from the shower head rinse it off” is a possible answer.

But it’s not the only one.

Localized motel rules: Coeur d’Alene’s Carol Muzik spent a week at a tiny Idaho school district earlier this year. It’s a community that attracts a fair number of hunters. In her motel room, a hand-written note was taped to the bathroom mirror.

“Plz do not use towels to wash guns, shoes, vehicles, etc. Plz ask management for a rag if one is needed.”

Candy Allen of Athol once stayed in a motel room – she seems to remember that it was in Sandpoint – where there was a sign that said, “Do not lean skis against the wall.”

Great moments in Inland Northwest softball: “We only had enough players to fill the lineup for a Spokane County League slow-pitch game and one, Bill Kaiserman (who died not too long ago), tore a hamstring during the game,” wrote Mike Vlahovich, a former S-R reporter. “One of our players would carry him piggyback out to right field (hilarious enough) and station him there so we’d have the requisite number on the field.

“At bat he was ordered to strike out. But one time he swung and connected. Implausibly, Bill hopped on his one good leg to first and somehow beat it out. He hopped one-legged to second base and, incredibly, made it safely. He hopped to third. Safe. And he hopped home.”

I’ve heard of legging it out, but not quite like that.

Mike continued. “Then the teammate piggybacked him back to the outfield after our turn at bat ended. Believe it or not, we won the game.”

Faith-based fashion accessories: Claudia Kuttner’s granddaughter, Amber, attends a parochial school where uniforms are standard. One time, a few years ago, she was in an apparel store when she saw a plaid hand bag. “Look, Grandma,” she said. “A Catholic purse.”

Today’s Slice question: Has your summer been more lazy, hazy or crazy?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Thanks for the notes.

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