STEP in right direction
I applaud and fully support the Spokane Tribe Economic Project (STEP). A great deal of misinformation is spreading around the community about encroachment and the future well-being of Fairchild Air Force Base. On numerous occasions, the mayor of Airway Heights and the Spokane Tribal Council have met with officials from FAFB, and there is no evidence that STEP will negatively affect FAFB.
Before taking a position, people should do their research, especially when it involves the development of a $400 million project that has the potential of providing 3,800 jobs, 1,200 of which would be in construction. Being employed is a good thing!
I am a small-business owner and welcome economic growth to our region, as it provides opportunity for all of us. STEP will provide valuable revenue to the region and fills a need for the tribe, which is sustainable economic growth.
Greg Satoro