Spokane man accused of beating infant
A 25-year-old man is accused of beating his infant daughter, who was taken to a medical clinic with broken bones and other injuries.
Tyson Joseph Romaneschi told police his daughter, Ellyana, would go to sleep faster if she had been crying, so he sometimes would squeeze her up against his chest, according to court documents used to support an assault charge against him.
Romaneshci remains in jail on $30,000 bond after appearing in Spokane County Superior Court Monday on a charge of first-degree assault of a child.
Detectives began investigating Romaneschi Feb. 3 when his girlfriend, Shayna Tipton, 21, brought Ellyana, who turned two months old Monday, to a local urgent care clinic. Tipton said the child had a fever and needed medical attention, according to police.
However, doctors discovered multiple fractures in various stages of healing they said were consistent with abuse.
“The child’s mother was determined by detectives not to be a suspect,” Officer Jennifer DeRuwe, spokeswoman for the Spokane Police Department, said in a news release.
Tipton, 21, told police she was concerned that Romaneschi was being too rough with the girl. She said she awoke recently to Ellyana crying louder than normal and had to take her away from Romaneschi and ask him what he was doing. She said Romaneschi told her that Ellyana seemed to fall asleep faster if she cried, “so he would hug her hard to get her to cry,” according to court documents. Tipton told police Romaneschi was also “very rough with her.”
Romaneschi told police the same thing in an interview Feb. 7. He said he didn’t intentionally hurt his child but said he needs parenting classes because he has frustration problems. Detectives noted that Romaneschi grew angry during the interview “and that we had to calm him down several times.”
Romaneschi told police that he gets frustrated easily and that “it’s my personality,” according to court documents.
Officer Dan Cole arrested located Romaneschi Monday during a routine traffic stop near Wellesley Avenue and Mayfair Street, DeRuwe said.
Romaneschi’s daughter remains in protective custody.