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The Slice: Please adjust your spam filter to accept random body parts

Let’s start with a round of the email name game.

“I work for the federal government and our department’s naming convention is to use the first initial of your first and last name, insert a random letter in the middle and tack a number on the end,” wrote Ted Teske. “Thus, Ted Teske can be turned into ‘tit5’, which I have learned over the years gets caught in many spam filters as ‘tits’. Most people that get mail from me never forget it. Since I am ‘tit5’ I have often wondered if there are others that have come before me. Maybe we could start a support group.”

Then there was this from Craig Heimbigner.

“So I had an email address when my business name was Another Craig Show. It was craigsho@msn or Yahoo, I can’t remember now.

“Had it for several years. One day a musician friend asked Karyn and I what the deal was with my email being Craig’s Ho.”

He changed it shortly after that.

Special recognition: “Husky alums with businesses could offer ‘pity discounts’ to Cougar grads.” – Ted Redman

Who around here deserves groupies: “Yvette (Evi) Ohman,” said Ashley Steinhart. “She teaches Zumba at the central Y and other sites. In her class we each find our inner dance diva – even if we didn’t know we had one. And as a pasty mid-40s soccer mom, finding that inner booty-shakin’ hottie was one of the biggest surprises of my life.”

Local cats that get a tremendous amount of rest include: Melvin, Luke, Handsome Mason, Franklin, Murphy, Maggie, Monty, Eartha Kitten and Chloe.

Learning to savor every day: On May 10, 1954, the brakes failed in a telephone company line truck Jerry Othmer was driving on a hillside.

Zooming off the road and going airborne for a scary distance, he had a fleeting thought about his wife and baby. “Who was going to take care of them?”

But he survived. “On June 12 of this year, I will be 83 years old. I was nearly 24 when this accident happened, 20,532 days to be thankful for.”

Today’s Slice question: How would your neighbors react if you put out a “For sale” sign?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Laurie Newell’s dad, Malcolm Post, once requested some info over the phone and subsequently received an envelope addressed to “Mal Compost.”

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