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Brower the clear choice

Like hundreds of others, I sat through the District 81 candidates’ debate. Brower is the clear choice. She’s clearly thoughtful and articulate. She has experience as a teacher and knows how to build good working relationships.

Sally Fullmer comes off as just another one-issue, angry tea partyer who is running only because an undisclosed Daddy Warbucks is funding her campaign from the shadows. Fullmer suffers from the same handicap as every tea party pretender: She wants us to believe the way to reform government is to destroy its capacity to govern.

This is the kind of nonsense that has gridlocked Washington, D.C., and cost us thousands of jobs and threatened millions of retirees’ benefits at the federal level. We don’t need tea party anarchists in local government. We’ve seen where that leads with our federal representatives.

Jim Wavada


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