East Valley schools plan replacement levy
The East Valley School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to put a replacement levy on the ballot Feb. 14.
The levy will collect $10.9 million per year in 2013 through 2016, compared to the last levy approved by voters for $9,097,000 per year for three years.
It will raise the tax rates for property owners by 76 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. They now pay $3.68 per $1,000, and if approved, will pay $4.44 per $1,000.
The tax will replace the current one which sunsets at the end of 2012.
Levies pay for programs and teachers that go above and beyond basic education such as music programs, libraries, sports, counselors, AP classes, technical classes, extra transportation and more.
Superintendent John Glenewinkel said there is language in the resolution that states the district will keep the tax rate flat in the event the state doesn’t cut levy equalization funds. East Valley currently receives $1.8 million in levy equalization from the state.
The Central Valley School Board approved its resolution to put a replacement levy on the ballot Oct. 24.
West Valley’s school board is expected to vote on a similar resolution at its meeting Dec. 14.
Levies need a simple majority of 50 percent to pass.