In brief: Lawsuit upheld against BIA
A federal appeals court has upheld a $400,000 malicious prosecution lawsuit against the Bureau of Indian Affairs by one of its former agents on the Spokane Reservation.
In February 2010, senior Judge Justin Quackenbush, U.S. District Court for Eastern Washington, ruled that the BIA maliciously pursued federal charges against ex-agent Duane Garvais at the behest of the Spokane Tribe.
Quackenbush wrote that the BIA’s “unfounded criminal proceedings” against Garvais in 2002 was in retaliation for his earlier investigation of corruption by fellow officers on the reservation.
A panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling on Wednesday, less than a week after the appeal was submitted and argued by federal attorneys for the bureau.
Kevin Graman
Idaho House OKs Medicaid cuts
BOISE – A plan to slice $108 million out of Idaho’s Medicaid program, including trimming some health-care services for the disabled and poor, cleared the Idaho House on Thursday on a 56-14 vote and now moves to the Senate.
The bill, HB 260, is aimed at finding $34 million in state savings on the program; that also means giving up $74 million in federal matching funds. All but one House Republican voted for the plan; Rep. Tom Trail, R-Moscow, joined all 13 House Democrats in opposing it.
Minority Democrats decried the cuts as “cruel, heartless and foolish,” while GOP backers said they’re necessary to balance the state budget and preserve funding for schools.
Betsy Z. Russell
Liberty Lake Golf Course opens today
The Liberty Lake Golf Course was scheduled to open today, the second Spokane County course to do so this week.
The MeadowWood Golf Course, also in Liberty Lake, opened Thursday.
The Hangman Valley Golf Course is scheduled to open March 25, weather permitting, according to the county Department of Parks, Recreation and Golf.
Also depending on weather, officials hoped to open the Hangman Valley driving range this weekend. Customers were advised to call (509) 448-1212 or (509) 477-4730 for confirmation.
More information is available online at parks.
Staff reports