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The Slice: That’s sure one way to rev her up

An e-mail from the Rev. Mark Nelson arrived Friday.

“You asked this morning what readers have said to their car heaters,” he wrote. “Last night, following the Gonzaga women’s win, I got into my parked truck and started it up.

“It was cold. I found myself patting the truck on the dash and saying ‘Get hot, sweetheart!’ Then I caught myself and laughed for a good block.”

Re: Friday quiz: Several readers thought those “There is nothing wrong with your television …” lines were the introduction to “The Twilight Zone.”

Wrong. It was “The Outer Limits.”

But there were those who knew that, including a few who – like your Slice host – were scared out of their little-kid minds by certain episodes. I’ll declare a winner on Thursday.

Speaking of last Friday: It was the season’s final weekday of skating at the Ice Palace. I went over and laced ’em up on a day when the rink didn’t need the artificial freezing system.

As I was leaving, I said to a fellow skater, “Have a good summer.”

I later told a friend that it sounded funny to be saying that in February. And she suggested that I should have added, “See you next year! Hope you’re in my class!”

One more reference to Friday: Several readers were kind enough to suggest that the “Good job” alluded to in that day’s column could have come about because the woman in question might have recognized me.

One problem. When I’m wearing my bike helmet and old-man sunglasses, I doubt that even my closest friends recognize me.

How about you? When you have sunglasses on, do you find that you become a stranger in the eyes of even those who know you well?

Warm-up question: What’s the coolest apparatus superseded by computers? I’ll open the bidding with “linotype machine.”

Today’s Slice question: What percentage of Spokane men are still incapable of taking advice from women about, say, automotive matters, mechanical issues or virtually anything else that once upon a time might have been considered “guy” stuff?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Just wondering: Who was the oldest female Spokane TV news anchor?

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