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Gun rights faulted falsely

The Marxist left Democratic Party’s newest scheme, to disarm America’s citizens, is to blame gun violence, in Mexico, on America’s Second Amendment (“Most guns seized in Mexico from U.S.” June 15).

Adding insult to injury, Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderon, makes the asinine claim that the “U.S. weapons industry” is largely responsible for drug violence in Mexico.

The problem with Mexico is that it’s a corrupt, repressive narco-state, not that our Bill of Rights gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms.

Do the Democrats also think that Mexico’s drug cartels are acquiring their machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missiles and other anti-aircraft weaponry from Bob’s Bait and Sporting Goods in Pima, Ariz.?

Again, anyone who transfers a firearm into Mexico is committing a federal felony and faces a long prison term.

Bill Clinton’s “assault weapons ban” was a solution to a nonexistent problem that had no impact on crime.

It’s despicable that the corrupt, clueless-about-liberty Democratic Party, which includes Sen. Dianne Feinstein, continues its assaults on the Second Amendment.

Curtis E. Stone


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