2011 Spokane Public schools retirees
Adams Elementary
Cathy Hawley, teacher, 17 years of service
Mary Lou Martin, teacher, 25 years of service
Ann Miller, teacher, 25 years of service
Arlington Elementary
Mary Beth Shafer, speech language pathologist, 31 years of service
Anne Berman, assessment data specialist, 17 years of service
Balboa Elementary
Susan Harrison, teacher, 37 years of service
Karen Cockburn, teacher, 36 years of service
Browne Elementary
Louis Haymond, principal, 28 years of service
Chase Middle School
Muriel Stopher, secretary, 25 years of service
Cooper Elementary
Wes Franks, teacher, 33 years of service
Peggy Skeffington-Gretsch, music teacher, 31 years of service
Patricia Topping, nurse, 17 years of service
Patsey Wilson, worker II, 11 years of service
Ferris High School
Sandra Croson, data processing clerk, 36 years of service
Robert Cummins, teacher, 31 years of service
Pamela MacInnis, counselor, 37 years of service
Michael Munstedt, head custodian, 37 years of service
Finch Elementary
Gina Dietzen, psychologist, 25 years of service
Judy Lorentz, teacher, 17 years of service
Joan Olson, crossing guard/noon aide, 20 years of service
Garfield Elementary
Michelle Barbour, teacher, 31 years of service
Heather Greenberg, instructional math coach, 37 years of service
Georgia Merz, library media specialist, 19 years of service
Garry Middle School
Nelly Hudson, bilingual specialist, 17 years of service
Grant Elementary
Kay Pruett, teacher, 39 years of service
Karen Yamamoto, instructional coach, 44 years of service
Grant and Indian Trail elementary schools
Melinda Winther, music teacher, 36 years of service
Hamblen Elementary
Chung Park, head custodian, 31 years of service
Carolyn Schmitz, art teacher, 33 years of service
Shannon Stuart, speech language pathologist, 16 years of service
Havermale Campus
Jeanne Marque, teacher, 38 years of service
Linda Peck, librarian, 27 years of service
Health Services
Margaret Mattson, home hospital teacher, 19 years of service
Kathe Reed-McKay, director, 34 years of service
Holmes Elementary
Patricia Maloney, assistant manager, 31 years of service
Donna Newell, instructional assistant, 20 years of service
Human Resources
Gwen Sanders, teacher, 30 years of service
Indian Trail Elementary
Mary Baysinger, express activity leader, 19 years of service
Instructional Technology Support Center
Blaine Wood, technology support specialist, 11 years of service
Jefferson Elementary
Sharon McGavran, instructional assistant, 27 years of service
Lewis and Clark High School
Peggy Herbert, teacher, 34 years of service
Larry Jay, music/band/orchestra teacher, 23 years of service
Karen Mahan, teacher, 25 years of service
Gary Penrod, teacher, 26 years of service
Eugene Phillips, teacher, five years of service
Libby Center
Deborah Johnson, principal, 22 years of service
Darwin Van Dusen, events specialist, 27 years of service
Lidgerwood Elementary
Ronald Ansbaugh, head custodian, 20 years of service
Janice Sahagian, teacher, 19 years of service
Lincoln Heights Elementary
Griffith Stokes Jr., teacher, 31 years of service
Linwood Elementary
Linda Mulvey, teacher, 31 years of service
Arnold Santos, custodian, 15 years of service
Logan Elementary
Heidi Dullanty, teacher, 22 years of service
Rodney Duross, head custodian, 21 years of service
Nelle Hogue, counselor, 41 years of service
Madison Elementary
Rita Hadley, teacher, 20 years of service
Eileen Mabee, teacher, 36 years of service
Myron Wolf, glazier, 31 years of service
Moran Prairie Elementary
Susan Trautman, teacher, 35 years of service
North Central High School
Gregory Feldhusen, teacher, 16 years of service
Jerry McCullough, teacher, 25 years of service
Kathleen Merritt, teacher, 23 years of service
Payroll & Benefits
Sidney Turner, payroll and benefits specialist, nine years of service
Professional Learning
Susan Colliton, secretary, 14 years of service
Regal Elementary
Genevieve Fiorino, instructional assistant, 19 years of service
Rogers High School
Rose Harney, secretary, 21 years of service
Roosevelt Elementary
Nancy Caputo, speech language pathologist, 21 years of service
Lori LaFrance, assistant secretary, 26 years of service
Jill Ripley, teacher, 22 years of service
LaDonna Schuster, teacher, 16 years of service
Sacajawea Middle School
Karen Bart, teacher, 26 years of service
Dinah Coble, library media specialist, 30 years of service
Salk Middle School
Karen Ellis, clerk/secretary, 29 years of service
School Support Services
Teri Wilson, executive assistant, 21 years of service
Shadle Park High School
John Campbell, sweeper, 25 years of service
Herbert Rotchford, principal, 37 years of service
Diane Zakopyko, teacher, 29 years of service
Shaw Middle School
Craig Bageant, teacher, 31 years of service
Cathie Baker, office manager, 37 years of service
Patricia Kohls, librarian, 19 years of service
Sheridan Elementary
Bonnie Emch, instructional assistant, 33 years of service
Special Education
Michael Ainsworth, executive director, 34 years of service
Nikki Bavuso, instructional assistant, 27 years of service
Terri DeMaris, speech language pathologist, 36 years of service
Diana Hieber, student support services coordinator, 19 years of service
Barbara Tompkins, speech language pathologist, 32 years of service
Stevens Elementary
Susan Brunette, instructional assistant, 20 years of service
Technology Services
Steve Boline, lead computer operator, 30 years of service
Whitman Elementary
Jonny Guenther, teacher, 39 years of service
Willard Elementary
Dayna Gadeken, teacher, 33 years of service