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Condon’s fundraising campaign

This is an old joke highlighting the appearance of disinformation: A Soviet team challenges an American team to an auto race. So they race, and the American team wins. In the Soviet press the following results are printed: The Soviet team came in second, and the American team came in next to last.

I was immediately reminded of this upon seeing the press report on mayoral candidate David Condon asking, disingenuously, for donations on the basis that he needs still more help to at least come in second in the August primary against four other candidates. We are told three of these are not serious contenders as reflected by their lack of fundraising.

Those of us who would welcome Mary Verner’s re-election look darkly upon Condon’s elitist attitude that it isn’t necessary to win a fair election; all that’s needed is to successfully buy an election.

Verner supporters should note that Condon is well on his way, unfortunately for we supporters of fairness.

Steve Johnston


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