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The Slice: No love for ‘Let’s move on’

I still get entertaining hate mail whenever I write “Let’s move on.”

Let’s move on.

Going to the dogs: Wedgie, a cairn terrier, has a favorite coffee stand, said Mistie Kinney. It’s Dover Joe’s in Dover, Idaho, just west of Sandpoint.

Treats are part of the appeal. Then there’s the fact that Kinney’s daughter, Reilly, works there.

Judy Boyer’s bichon frise, Muffin, likes the Starbucks drive-through at Francis and Ash on Spokane’s North Side. “They always have a dog biscuit for him,” said Boyer.

Stopping smoking: Readers shared heartfelt accounts of their struggles to make a break with cigarette addiction. Here, in no particular order, are just some of the ways they succeeded:

1. Motivation to quit provided by getting pregnant. 2. Quit while recovering from a grave illness. 3. To win a bet. 4. Succeeded with the help of various products/cessation programs. 5. Did it to facilitate access to grandchild. 6. Peppermint Lifesavers. 7. Scared off cigarettes by watching deteriorating health of heavy smokers in the family. 8. Scared off them by reading a description of what cigarette smoke does to the body.

Very few suggest it’s easy. And, considering the power of this addiction’s grip, some say prematurely declaring victory is just tempting fate.

“When people ask me if I quit, I say ‘No, I just haven’t had one for a while,’ ” said Scott Robisch.

He last smoked a cigarette in 1983.

Slice answer: Kathie Mathews moved to Spokane in the fall of 2009 after having lived exclusively in the relatively flat Tri-Cities. Her home is near Joe Albi Stadium.

Her son, who has lived in Spokane for 16 years, resides on the South Hill.

“It is so hard for me to believe that sometimes, when I talk to him on the phone, we are having two different types of weather,” she wrote.

Re: Sunday’s Slice: A couple of college instructors and a grocery cashier said pajamas are already all-day wear for some here.

Today’s Slice question: What is your secret talent?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Coming Saturday: Readers rename that women’s soccer team.

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