We’re freshening up our comics pages and need your help
“Peanuts” starting to taste stale? “Funky Winkerbean” getting a little too funky?
Has “For Better or Worse” taken a turn for … well, you get the idea.
With a new year upon us, we figured it was time to take a fresh look at our comics pages.
From time to time, we get calls and e-mails from some of you expressing sentiments like those above, or commenting on other strips. But we need to know how all of our readers feel.
So please help us out by taking a few minutes to fill out the following poll. It’s pretty simple; just tell us how often you read each comic strip, and how much you like it. There’s space at the end to write in additional comments.
We’re also asking for a little information about you, to help us understand what sorts of people like or dislike each strip, and so we can contact you about your answers if we need to. Don’t worry; we won’t publish any of your information, or use it to try to sell you anything.
Send completed questionnaires to: Comics Poll, The Spokesman-Review, 999 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201.
After we’ve had a chance to analyze the returns, we’ll come back and fill you in on the results, and talk more about any new comics we might want to add.
Questions? Give me a call at (509) 459-5068, or e-mail rickb@spokesman.com.
See you in the funny pages!
– Rick Bonino, features editor