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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Annie’s Mailbox: Teamwork lost on husband

Kathy Mitchell/Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: My husband, “Don,” is a recovering alcoholic. Last year, I discovered that he had a balance of $27,000 in credit card purchases for expensive watches, tool machines and alcohol. This nearly destroyed our 15-year marriage.

Ten years ago, Don relapsed with alcohol and stole my prescription pain medications. I felt so betrayed by his deceit that we separated for a few months. During this time, he entered an outpatient treatment center and saw a counselor on a weekly basis. One of the conditions of reconciliation specified that he discuss with me any large purchases beforehand so we could be on the same page about how it would be financed.

Today, a 20-inch computer monitor was delivered to our house. When I asked Don why he bought such a nice monitor for our dinosaur computer, he confessed that he had actually purchased a brand-new computer. I was stunned.

He claims he was afraid I would say no, but, Annie, I have never refused any of his requests when he’s discussed them with me first, and our computer needed replacing. Don doesn’t seem to get that this is an absolute betrayal of my trust. Don lies about everything, even when there’s no reason. Can you explain to him why this upsets me? – Disrespected Wife

Dear Wife: Someone who has spent his life lying to others may not only find it difficult to stop, but might not grasp how honesty works. Marriage is a partnership. Purchases that affect the family bank account should be discussed because that’s what partners do. Someone with Don’s credit history is especially vulnerable to impulse buys and should get a second opinion to reduce the chances of going into debt. Since he violated the terms of the reconciliation, insist he go back to counseling.