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Are roots overlooked?

I see in the Dec. 8 paper that the trees that line the Coeur d’Alene levee are still being considered for removal. There is one issue regarding the trees I haven’t seen yet, and that is the roots. Even if the trees are cut down and the stumps are ground below the existing grade, the roots are still there.

The roots have been growing laterally for years and are intertwined into a mass supporting not only the trees and providing nutrients for the trees’ growth but also supporting the levee. If the trees are removed, the roots will eventually die, shrink and decay. A labyrinth of conduits for water to enter and moisten the levee’s soil will occur. A matrix of tree roots helps hold soil together. Invasion of water could compromise the strength of the levee.

Does the Army Corps have soil scientists to study the situations in different parts of the country? It is unlikely that we will have a Hurricane Katrina event. What is the 200-year history of flooding or storms with hurricane-level winds hitting Coeur d’Alene?

Tom Fleming


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