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Hart neglects his oath

The Spokesman-Review

Voters who live north of Prairie Avenue to the Bonner County line should be paying attention to the stories by Betsy Russell in The Spokesman-Review of their legislator, Phil Hart, of District 3B. (

This man has been evading income tax payments since 1996 and is still a legislator. I find this offensive that he’s evading paying his taxes, that he has broken his oath of office and will still be a legislator once again this fall.

The oath that legislators take states: “I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Idaho…”)

Mr. Hart has not paid his taxes because he is philosophically opposed to paying income taxes. I understand his right to disagree with our tax law as a citizen, but as a legislator he represents the people in his district and upholds the law of the land. The Republican Party chairman of our county and some legislators have said this is his own personal business.

Wake up, Kootenai County voters. This should be everyone’s concern in District 3.

Dennis Houchin


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