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Union help unneeded

Employers everywhere are re-evaluating benefit packages in these times of financial uneasiness.

I was a patient in Deaconess. Charges to me were zero dollars. That is a good benefit.

The Service Employees International Union charges that Community Health Systems engaged in a union-busting campaign that attempted to entice members to resign membership, revoke dues authorizations and file decertification paperwork. I did all of the above; never did CHS encourage me to do so.

Chris Barton, negotiator for the union, said CHS refused to engage in any bargaining for months. I sat with that negotiator. I brought up issues on two occasions; she refused to listen regarding the importance of our unique situation as respiratory therapists. Finally we did get Deaconess to listen and it resulted in a raise for all respiratory therapists. The union was not happy. I guess they were unsettled that employees were able to negotiate a raise without the help of SEIU.

I am tired of the union speaking for me. Let us be an open shop. Those that want to join can, but leave us alone if we don’t want to be part of their propaganda. I will keep trying to remove them from my hospital.

Earl Moore

Deaconess employee


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