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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Alternative therapies for tics uneven

Peter H. Gott, M.D.

DEAR DR. GOTT: My adult son suffers from Tourette syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder. Because it is a mild case, it doesn’t warrant some of the medications and side effects that are used to treat TS, but daily life can be miserable. Do you know of any supplements or alternative treatments that are now being used to lessen his symptoms?

DEAR READER: I must admit your question took me to my reference material before I could proceed with an answer.

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements and vocalizations known as tics that are classified as simple or complex. Simple tics are brief, repetitive movements that involve a limited number of muscles. These may include eye blinking, head or shoulder jerks, facial grimacing and more. Vocalization includes grunting, sniffing, throat clearing and other sounds. Despite popular belief, vocal tics are uncommon, occurring in less than 15 percent of sufferers. Complex motor tics involve a greater number of muscles and may include shoulder shrugging, head twisting, hopping or jumping, inflicting bodily harm by punching oneself and touching things. Verbal tics may include the use of profanity and the repetition of words or phrases. Some TS sufferers find the compulsion to repeat words or phrases a specific number of times before the urge subsides. Tics can vary in type and severity; stress or periods of excitement can exacerbate them.

The disorder typically presents from early adolescence into teenage years, but before the age of 18. The condition can be chronic and symptoms can last a lifetime, yet most people experience their worst symptoms during their early teens. Improvement can occur in the later teens, continuing into adulthood. A diagnosis of TS is made following verification that both motor and vocal tics have been present for at least one year.

Most people do not require medication for control of symptoms. Neuroleptics, such as haloperidol and pimozide, are often prescribed when medication is necessary. Psychotherapy may be effective in helping a person cope with the social and emotional aspects of the disorder.

The National Tourette Syndrome Association is an appropriate resource for learning more about the disorder and current treatment recommendations. It has published a brochure of alternative therapies but warn that there are many unsubstantiated claims about holistic and other therapies. It has found that some are ineffective, others may work but only for a short period, and still others may cause more harm than good. It has also received many case reports that certain environmental and chemical additives may worsen symptoms, and it welcomes more anecdotal information to determine whether this (and other claims) is a possibility worth further investigation.

Interestingly, most people with Tourette’s also suffer from learning and behavior disorders such as obsessive complusive disorder and attention deficient disorder. About 60 percent have ADD, 50 percent have OCD, 23 percent have learning disorders, and 15 percent have oppositional behavior or conduct disorders. OCD generally presents as obsession and/or compulsions of hand washing, counting or many other manifestations.

I suggest you and anyone interested in learning more contact the National Tourette Syndrome Association. Its Web site is There is an e-mail form available on the site, or you can call them at (718) 224-2999. There are local and international chapters, which may be able to provide information specific to your area, such as available specialists or support groups.

In the meantime, tell your son to try to identify certain foods, chemicals or additives that may worsen his symptoms. Simple avoidance may lessen his tics and allow him to lead a more productive, active life.