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The Slice: A toddler’s nose always knows

The only sure way to determine if your home has a weird smell is to have an unaffiliated 4-year-old come in and give the place a sniff.

Let’s move on.

Skepticism about grownup comprehension: A friend had called her young son in on the carpet. She wanted to know why he had punched another kid.

“It’s complicated,” he said.

Slice quiz: In what musical is the big boss a graduate of a college where the mascot is the Groundhog?

I’ll send a coveted reporter’s notebook to at least one reader responding with the correct answer.

Speaking of contests: The Zags tickets giveaway is going to be an annual thing. And stay tuned for details about how you can win a lunch with the S-R’s John Blanchette.

Slice answer: “My nomination for Spokane’s Nicest Receptionist is a tie between Kyle Wilson and Brenda Tampien at Interface College,” wrote Kathy Hammonds.

“Brenda because of her good nature and joyous laughter ringing through the lobby all day long. Kyle because he entertains visitors and staff with his jokes and stories of life at Gonzaga, and because he is willing to take a pratfall or two if it makes someone’s day better.”

Family Phrases Department: Years ago, Spokane’s Patricia Garvin was preparing several Cornish game hens for a family meal. Her 6-year-old son told his 5-year-old brother that they were having CorningWare hens for dinner.

“We still refer to them this way,” she said.

At least this was the case last time I tried: If you Google “Green Lantern” and “Spokane” together, you get 24,500 hits.

Today’s Slice question: How many Spokane-area marriages would not have happened if the B-52 hadn’t been based here?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail pault@ For previous Slice columns, see columnists. Nominations are always welcome for The Slice’s Inland Northwest Barn Cat Hall of Fame.

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