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Hunting isn’t the issue
Regarding Dorothy Carter’s letter on Nov. 28, the Second Amendment is not about hunting. I repeat, the Second Amendment is not about hunting.
Our forefathers had the foresight to include in the Second Amendment the right of the people to bear arms. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I repeat, the Second Amendment is not about hunting.
Now Ms. Carter also notes us Second Amendment cultists insist on owning assault rifles, grenade launchers and machine guns. The last time I checked machine guns and grenades are illegal to own for the average citizen. Also, an assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediary cartridge and a detachable magazine. Assault rifles are the standard infantry weapons in most modern armies.
Selective-fire means to select from automatic to semi-automatic, which is also illegal to own by the average citizen.
Fred Phillips