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Fluoride’s day is over

Years ago, it was the thing to do – fluoride dental treatments for the kids. Later came fluoride toothpaste and cities were told that water fluoridation would benefit citizens. After becoming more knowledgeable, I now realize that water fluoridation is indeed harmful, regardless of what the CDC or ADA or some local dentists recommend.

Guest columnist Jennifer Ekstrom (Aug. 7), has done all of us a huge favor by pointing out the findings of NSF International, namely, that “fluoridation chemicals contain contaminants including arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metals.” And what levels are safe, if at all?

To become informed and have one’s eyes truly opened, read “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson. Author Derrick Jensen writes in a review that Bryson’s research “compellingly and inescapably exposes the murderous fraud that heads of state and industry have for decades perpetrated on an innocent public.”

Sandpoint was right in voting down water fluoridation. May Spokane continue to do the same.

Natalie Buchberger


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