Region in brief: Police describe pharmacy robber

Post Falls police are searching for a man who robbed a Walgreens pharmacy Wednesday.
The man walked into the store at 706 E. Saltese Way about 5:30 p.m. and gave the pharmacists a note demanding medicine, said Sgt. Gary James. The suspect indicated he had a gun, but no weapon was seen, James said. The suspect fled westbound from the store on foot.
Initial reports from police dispatch indicate the man got away with several bottles of the powerful painkiller OxyContin.
The robber was described as white, possibly Hispanic, in his early 20s, with a thin build, 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall, with some facial stubble. He was wearing a brown knit beanie cap, black sunglasses and a long-sleeve T-shirt. The robber also had a black bandanna covering his mouth and was coughing, James said.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Post Falls Police Department at (208) 773-3517.
Sara Leaming
VA patient in jail on assault charges
A man accused of attacking two nurses at the Spokane Veterans Affairs Medical Center remains in jail after a hearing this week.
James D. Scott, 41, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.38 when he head-butted a nurse after his girlfriend brought him to the emergency room Aug. 19, according to a probable cause affidavit.
Three hours later, Scott assaulted another nurse who had offered him a blanket, kicking the nurse and grabbing him by the throat. That nurse missed over a week of work and couldn’t turn his head or feel his right arm for several days, the affidavit said.
The first nurse who was allegedly assaulted, who was trying to persuade Scott to return to his room, remained at work but felt pain in his neck and shoulder for two weeks, according to the affidavit.
Scott is in Spokane County Jail on two counts of assaulting a government employee after a judge approved a prosecution request Tuesday to keep him detained.
Meghann M. Cuniff
Police search for Zip Trip robber
A man robbed a Zip Trip in northeast Spokane at gunpoint late Tuesday, fleeing with an undisclosed amount of money.
A Spokane police K-9 unit could not track the man, who fled on foot following the 11:10 p.m. robbery at the store at 3030 E. Euclid Ave. The robber was described as white with pale skin, in his early 20s, with a light build and blue eyes. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a white scarf and blue jeans, police said.
Staff report