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The Slice: A couple of suggestions to chew on this Friday

The day after Thanksgiving doesn’t have an official name like Boxing Day.

But this Friday on the calendar could be thought of as Sandwiches Day or Leftovers Day.

The great divide: “I’ve observed over the years that there are two kinds of people,” wrote Dana Freeborn. “Those who wash potholders and those who don’t.”

Perhaps she means “sleepover”: Bill Brock’s 5-year-old daughter, Sage, has expressed a desire to have a “sneak over” with her friends.

“Should I be concerned?” wondered Brock. “And isn’t this a bit premature, like maybe 10 years too soon?”

Total team coverage: So there’s this couple in Post Falls named Dan and Stephanie. And no one has ever said anything to them about sharing the names of a Spokane TV news anchor team.

“Is that odd?” asked Stephanie.

A little. But maybe her friends and acquaintances set the bar a bit higher than a certain newspaper column for what is or isn’t worth noting.

Slice answers: If the Secret Service was protecting Judy McKeehan, she thinks the agents’ code name for her might be “Myron Floren” – in recognition of her having played the accordion for years.

If that name means nothing to you, well, you won’t have to worry about having “Calcutta” playing in your head for the next 10 hours.

And several readers guessed the early ’60s were the zenith for the office Christmas party.

Here at The Slice, we still hand out letter grades: And an F goes to the lowlifes who steal the newspaper from in front of the next apartment.

Today’s Slice question: Who holds the record for the most times having brought in a potted plant and then put it back out the next morning as the temperatures bounce above and below freezing?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Check out www.boyington

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