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The Slice: Out with the cold, in with the new

Today is the last full day of winter.

The next one starts on Dec. 21.

Maybe by that time certain memories will have faded and we will be able to pretend once again that we can cope with snow.

•Slice reader Jen Eide on the dress code for urgent-care clinics: “For women: sweat pants, tennies, a pony tail, and a slightly pathetic expression. (You can’t look too good or you won’t be taken seriously.) For men: jeans and a zip-up hoodie. It also helps if someone can call you on your cell phone so you can say, loudly, ‘I’m still in line.’ ”

•Coming to my defense: “At the end of the day, there are more annoying phrases than ‘Let’s move on,’ ” wrote Shelley Davis.

•TV shows readers admitted to being embarrassed about watching: “Dog: The Bounty Hunter,” “Ghost Whisperer,” “The Lawrence Welk Show,” “Project Runway,” “Rock of Love Charm School,” “Big Love,” “Desperate Housewives” and “What Not to Wear.”

•Another way of saying “halftime”: At a recent School Staff vs. Students basketball game in Sprague, there came a point when one of the teachers asked if they were supposed to switch baskets or “wait until semester” to go in the other direction.

Another teacher, Ginny Ressel, gave her a look. Then they both laughed.

•One reader writes: “What a joy to live in a community where one sees a sign in the parking lot at the Catholic church which reads, ‘Overflow Parking for Kosher Dinner.’ ”

•Slice answer: Kathy Fleming and others said the best way to salute retiring Inland Northwest Blood Center CEO Judi Young is to give blood.

Call (800) 423-0151 or go to to find out where and when you can do so.

•If you call but don’t leave your number: I can’t phone you back and explain that you really don’t know your “Bewitched” trivia or that I never said the Spokane Canaries won the Stanley Cup.

•Not everyone is a fan of cul-de-sacs: But several of the readers who reported knowing their neighbors live on one.

•Warm-up questions: Do you worry about germs on grocery carts? When you get up in years and it’s time for you to stop driving, will you know it and give up your keys voluntarily, or will getting you off the road require a family intervention?

•Today’s Slice questions: Do you have co-workers you do not like but nonetheless respect? Do you have co-workers you like but don’t really respect?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail For previous Slice columns, see columnists. Julie Toulouse has a drawer in her recently remodeled kitchen that’s just for various kinds of chocolate.

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