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The Slice: You will succeed. You will, indeed.

Which is here? Which is there?  Try your luck, you lucky duck Associated Press file (Associated Press file / The Spokesman-Review)

Today is the birthday of the late Dr. Seuss.

To acknowledge this occasion, The Slice invites you to identify which of the following are Seussian and which are Spokanian. The answers appear just above Today’s Slice question.

OK, let’s go.

A) “Yertle the Turtle.” B) “The Nattering Naysayers.” C) “Green Eggs and Ham.” D) “Oh, The Reruns You’ll Watch.” E) “The Lorax.” F) “The Euthanized Cats.” G) “Gerald McBoing-Boing.” H) “Berms of Endearment.” I) “The Sneetches.” J) “Horton Pigs Out in the Park.” K) “Fox in Socks.” L) “Green Light, Red Light, Let’s Keep Going.” M) “Hunches in Bunches.” N) “The Suction Goat.” O) “If I Ran the Zoo.” P) “There’s a Marmot in My Pocket!” Q) “Hop on Pop.” R) “Meth Heads Would You Please Go Now!” S) “The Sleep Book.” T) “How December Stole the Sidewalks.” U) “Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?” V) “The 500 Hair Tweaks of Stephanie Vigil.” W) “The Cat in the Hat.” X) “The Dropouts Book.” Y) “I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Sollew.” Z) “Mary McPlow-Plow.”

Stoned: A reader in Idaho’s Silver Valley sent me a copy of a 1981 booklet titled “Cornerstones of Spokane.”

It’s a readable geological guide to the kinds of stone used to build or decorate many of downtown’s prominent structures.

According to this seemingly authoritative source, the stone used in downtown Spokane comes from Indiana, Norway, Sweden, Minnesota, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Spain, Vermont, South Dakota, Colorado, California, Tennessee, Alaska, British Columbia, Nevada, Montana, Italy, South America, Belgium, and Arizona, among other places.

Some of us here might be a tad provincial, but at least our buildings have been around.

Let me know: If you want to join my “Moved Here in March” club.

Doesn’t matter what year.

Like the Marmot Lodge, this will not involve attending meetings or drafting a mission statement.

Inland Northwest natives are automatically grandfathered in.

Hair today, gone tomorrow: “Our 2-year-old granddaughter, Mary Kate, has a dog and two cats,” wrote Judy McKeehan. “She got a play kitchen for Christmas.”

There’s a connection.

“We couldn’t figure out why she kept rolling the rolling pin on people. Until her dad said, ‘She thinks it’s a lint roller.’ ”

The Seuss references (not all are complete book titles) are: A, C, E, G, I, K, M, O, Q, S, U, W and Y.

Today’s Slice question: If you knew then what you know now, how would you have related differently to members of the opposite sex as a teenager?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail For previous Slice columns, see The Spokanthrax is going around.

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