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CIA got it wrong

The Spokesman-Review

Torture is wrong. The CIA took credit for their torture techniques in getting information about who masterminded the 9/11 attacks. In reality it was the FBI, using rapport-building techniques, that got the information. Nothing further was revealed when the CIA took over the interrogation with their “enhanced techniques.”

Torture is ineffectual, but vastly more importantly, it is wrong. There is no instance when it is OK to torture. There is no person who it is OK to torture. Whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or, like myself, Unitarian Universalist, basic rights of common decency apply. These religions all teach that we should treat others as we wish to be treated.

I am troubled by individuals writing letters condoning torture. Why do they think it is OK? I don’t think any of us would want somebody to torture us or our relatives who are in the military.

Support of torture by individual citizens is bad enough. It is even more egregious when torture is perpetrated in a methodical, institutionalized manner by a government that is supposed to represent the free world, espousing high standards of morality and justice. Torture should stop. Our country is NOT above the law of humanity.

Linda Greene


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