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Swimming should be free

The Spokesman-Review

I am a high school student, and I am concerned about the issue regarding our city’s pools. People voted for the renovation of our city’s pools, not knowing what the city planned to charge. Our pools have always been free, but now the city is saying that they will charge admission. This completely backstabs the taxpayers who voted for this bond. They will now not only have to pay for the building of the pools but also for admission once the pools open.

In this hard economic time, there are some things which need to be free. In the summer, we need to get away from our lives and our money and maybe just go swimming for a while. If we can’t do that without losing money, then what else is left? Will we soon have to pay for walking in our parks? For strolling downtown? For breathing our air? We need to have some things remain unaffected by our financial crisis.

Lucy Baldwin


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