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The Slice: Here’s where The Slice is good for golf balls

Mike Havens often walks past a Spokane golf course.

He has made a habit of picking up abandoned balls, sometimes half a dozen a day. “To date I’ve collected roughly 500,” he wrote.

Now Havens, who manages a grocery store’s meat department, is wondering what he should do with them. (No, he doesn’t golf.)

“I was thinking it might be fun to roll them down the South Freya Street hill, but I’ve reconsidered due to possible property damage.”

He wonders if Slice readers might have better ideas.

What the … : “This is our family’s first full summer in Spokane, and we’re surprised to see people (mostly little kids with parents watching or teenagers on their own) splashing around in the lovely fountain in the Duncan Garden in Manito Park at all hours,” wrote Alison Highberger.

So she’s wondering. “Is this a Spokane thing?”

She said people didn’t jump into public fountains back in Bend, Ore.

Alison, that is a Spokane thing. A significant percentage of South Hill children are technically feral.

OK, I’ll bite: “Hi, Paul,” wrote Steven Stehr, a faculty member at WSU. “I know how much you enjoy getting cockamamie ideas from your readers (and you appear to enjoy movie-themed items) so here is one: I was in the dentist’s chair today and began thinking about what movie title best describes the dental experience. There are some obvious ones – ‘There Will Be Blood,’ ‘Jaws,’ ‘To Have and Have Not,’ ‘Best in Show,’ ‘Mission Impossible’ – but I think you and maybe your readers can come up with some really good ones.”

After you.

Today’s Slice question: Who in the Inland Northwest gets messiest when eating ribs slathered in barbecue sauce?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail The Slice heard about a young partygoer who didn’t want anything to do with a birthday cake after the candles extinguisher had blown his germs all over it.

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