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The Slice: Lone Holdout prefers face to Facebook

The Slice has tracked down and managed to land an interview with the last person in Spokane who is not signed up with an online social network.

You wouldn’t believe some of the things this person had to say.

Here is a transcript of our exchange.

The Slice: So do you simply refuse to have anything to do with computers?

Lone Holdout: Oh, no. I have one. Laptop, too. I use the Internet and all. I just don’t do that “In Your Facebook” thing or, what do you call it, “Crowding My Space.”

The Slice: Why not?

Lone Holdout: Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’d just rather visit in person or chat on the phone. Regular e-mail is fine, too. I’m not a Luddite. I just don’t see the point of online social networking.

The Slice: But you could share family photos, videos and bits of personal news with hundreds of people instantly, all at once.

Lone Holdout: Yeah, well. In my experience, not that many people are really all that interested in me. Seems like people mostly focus on themselves. Maybe I’m cynical.

The Slice: Yeah, but this way you can stay connected to all sorts of folks with whom you might otherwise lose touch.

Lone Holdout: Well, you know, sometimes that happens. I think the quality of relationships is more important than the quantity.

The Slice: There has been talk of establishing a Marmot Lodge online social component. Would that tempt you?

Lone Holdout: Ah, no.

The Slice: What do you do when someone invites you to join one of those Internet business networks?

Lone Holdout: I’ve found that if you ignore them, they eventually go away.

The Slice: But don’t you want to be able to choose zany little photos for your personal icons?

Lone Holdout: Not really.

The Slice: When people hear that you don’t do social networking, do they assume you are some sort of off-the-grid whack job? Do they think you are one of those wild-eyed types you see at the KPBX record sale?

Lone Holdout: It just doesn’t come up. But I have to admit, my circle does not include a lot of people who post a hundred comments on blogs every day and text while driving.

The Slice: Do you want Spokane to get a reputation for being behind the times? Do you want to be a slave of the mainstream media?

Lone Holdout: You know, mostly I just want to be left alone.

The Slice: OK, thanks. You seem like a nice person. I can’t help but suspect you would be popular online.

Lone Holdout: Well, that’s a thrill I am willing to forego.

•Today’s Slice question: What is your opinion of online social networks?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Don’t get sucked in by the Valentine’s Industrial Complex.

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