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The Slice: It’s the thought that counts

Has a seemingly incongruous combination of Christmas lights and run-down property ever made you think “The Littlest Meth House” or “The Bestest Truck Parts Christmas Ever”?

Let’s move on.

Princess rules: Leanne Schillinger asked her daughter-in-law what Christmas presents she should get for her twin 5-year-old granddaughters.

She was told, “They’re kind of short on tiaras.”

Trumped: Roberta Garner saw a classified ad for a dog that noted the animal had not been “spade.”

“But I wonder if she’s hearts, diamonds or clubs.”

If only that were tax deductible: Joyce Beber was listening to public radio when she heard a call for “urine gift donations.”

What the? Then she realized the announcer had said “year end.”

Agree or disagree: About 33 percent of those who constantly decry “political correctness” mostly want permission to continue being a jackass.

Just wondering: Did anyone else catch the local TV news segment Wednesday evening in which the reporter, standing on a road covered with packed snow and ice, alluded to the treacherous footing and declared, “It’s hard for me to walk.”

Maybe wearing high-heels had something to do with that.

Slice answers: Gretchen Kuch said Groundhog Day is the thing that makes people think of her. It’s her birthday.

And several readers responding to the question about what they wear to bed at this time of year noted the number, size and relative furriness of the dogs and cats that sometimes share their place of slumber.

Warm-up question for couples: Can people usually guess your age just from your first names?

Today’s Slice question: What do you want in your omelet?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail The high school girl featured in last Sunday’s Slice now has a new iPod.

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