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The Slice: Reader is truly cat’s meow

Slice readers have skills.

Medical office receptionist Lacie Graf Hansen can recite the Lord’s Prayer in Old English.

Seamstress Karen Reinhart can play both parts of the “Chopsticks” piano duet at the same time.

Nurse Joyce Fromhold can instantly swap first letters or syllables of words and come up with results like, “Du Rolph, the Ned Rose Dain Reer, had a very niny shose.”

And occupational therapist Nancy Kiehn’s repertoire includes imitating a wide range of feline sounds, from a kitten’s mews to adult cat snarls.

Slice answers: Jim Corcoran, Herb Postlewait, Barb Stimers and others said their least favorite aspect of the moviegoing experience is being subjected to commercials. “I absolutely despise them and on occasion will boo,” said Corcoran.

Asked and answered: “I can tell you the difference between holiday cookies and regular cookies,” wrote Liz Cox. “Holiday cookies are made with spices at least 10 years old found in the back of the cupboard but kept because they’re expensive and no single recipe ever calls for more than half a teaspoon.”

Speaking of cookies: Thanks to all the readers who have noted the Postal Service commercial that mentions sending snickerdoodles to Spokane.

Warm-up questions: How firm is room- temperature butter in your home? If you were an STA driver, what would make you snap? Who around here can explain how to play the Chinese game Go? Do we have any regional littering idiosyncrasies? Ever decide to stop dating someone because of the way he or she used the car horn?

Today’s Slice question: Does opening your freezer door require that you be prepared to catch something?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Most responding readers said life’s horrors make a case against angels and that seasonal materialism has a big lead on Advent spirituality.

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