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The Slice: Destiny is written in neon lights

Slice-meister Paul Turner is taking some time off this month, but don’t despair: In his absence, we’re rerunning some of the tastier tidbits from this date in Slice history. Today’s sampling:

FROM 2005:

It undoubtedly has been fixed by now. But just recently an illuminated sign atop a downtown building had some letters missing in action.

The building is the big white box that used to be the Farm Credit Bank and then was the Met Mortgage building and now is the Wells Fargo center or plaza or something. Anyway, for a while, one of the high-rise’s prominent signs read “WELL GO.”

I’m sure this was just a wiring glitch. But if you think about it, that’s not a bad civic exhortation. Consider…

•“I think I’m moving to Seattle. I don’t want to stick around and do any of the heavy lifting necessary to help Spokane live up to its potential.”

“Well, go.”

•“You know, instead of sitting here on my butt and saying rude things to Charles Rowe, I ought to head over to the gym and work out.”

“Well, go.”

•“It’s a lot of fun standing here listening to you complain about your boss. But I think I’m going to walk over to that beguiling creature in the Whitworth shirt and extract her phone number.”

“Well, go.”

I like it. Nike’s got “Just do it.” Spokane can have “Well, go.”

FROM 1998:

It’s risky to assume that summer is going to magically solve all your problems: If September arrives and your life isn’t fixed, well, you’ll be pretty disappointed.

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