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Capitalism replaced
People are whining about how much their utility bills have risen. They wail about CEO pay and how nobody should get that rich. What about the government and how much it costs? I have lived in my home for almost five years and my heat bill has stayed the same, but my property taxes have almost tripled.
We hear that the Republicans are for big business and the Democrats aren’t, right? Then why is Obama giving several huge businesses and banks a trillion dollars? Could this be payback for their help in collapsing the market so Democrats would win the election? Why aren’t Obama and other politicians who received campaign “donations” from these same companies being asked to return that money to the taxpayers? Barney Frank and Obama pretended to be outraged when their secret payback was discovered.
Democrats wrote the bailout legislation and said it was too important to wait, read and debate it and pushed it into law. It looks like what they really wanted to do was ruin American capitalism and replace it with their beloved socialism, which gives them power and removes it from the people. Congratulations. You got the “change,” and they got the power.
Rob Leach