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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Mother’s Day dilemma? No worries

After all these years, I still scratch my head when it comes to finding my mother something nice for her special day.

It shouldn’t be too hard.

She’s a very kind woman who has something nice to say about everyone she meets. She makes great snacks. She sews quilts until her basement is full of them and she works in her garden in summer.

And even though I’m all grown up, she is still there for me when I slice my finger in the kitchen or just need a hug.

It wasn’t much easier to get her something when I was a kid, either.

Mother’s Day is May 14, and if your little ones are wondering what to do for Mom this year, maybe these tips can help.

A quick survey of office staff at The Spokesman-Review revealed that many mothers here appreciate breakfast.

Cinnamon toast is a favorite, as well as cereal, juice and even chocolate milk. You know, breakfast foods that you don’t have to turn on the stove to make.

Fresh-picked flowers are always a hit. If you don’t have a flower garden in your back yard and the weather is nice, families can always visit Manito Park. The gardens there should be blooming, and since it’s springtime and we’re in Spokane, there should be lilacs to smell.

Many moms said they appreciated the crafts their kids had made at school for them. Handprints permanently fired into clay, picture frames made of cotton, for example, are gifts moms said they will hang on to forever.

When it comes to Mother’s Day, it seems that the gifts don’t have to be sophisticated, expensive or complicated. Just a little thoughtfulness seems to make Mom feel good.

One thing that all the mothers I talked to agreed on, however, is that moms really appreciate it when someone does the dishes and cleans up any messes for her on her special day.

Here are a couple of Mother’s Day activities taking place around town:

• River Park Square, 808 W. Main St., is inviting children to make flower baskets for Mom.

For $10, kids will get a basket, flowers and help to make a lovely arrangement for the day.

“Baskets and Blooms” will take place in the mall’s Atrium on May 12 from 4 to 8 p.m. and May 13 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information, call the River Park Square concierge at 363-0304.

• If the kids want to take Mom out for a snack, McDonald’s is offering a free dipped ice cream cone for every mom that comes in with her kids. For more information, call your local McDonald’s.

Spokane Bird Fest

The Spokane Audubon Society and West Valley Outdoor Learning Center, 8706 E. Upriver Drive, is presenting a week of activities that will teach kids about birds today though Saturday.

Participants can take bird identification classes today, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. On Thursday there will be a movie, “Winged Migration” from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Saturday will bring a full day of activities including building a bird house or feeder, dissecting owl pellets, going on a bird scavenger hunt and watching another movie, “Pale Male.” The day begins at 8 a.m. with bird observations.

For more information, call 340-1028, or visit

Safe Kids Week

In conjunction with National Safe Kids Week May 6 through 13, the Spokane Regional Health District is promoting its new poison safety brochure, which includes tips on childproofing cabinets and what to do if your child does swallow something he or she shouldn’t.

To get a copy of this brochure, or for more information, call the Injury Prevention Program at the Spokane Regional Health District at 324-1530. For additional information about Safe Kids Week, go to