The Slice ‘98: It’s A Manly Year
Ever since “The Year of the Woman” a few years back, we’ve been wondering.
When exactly are we going to see “The Year of the Man”?
It’s always hard to tell about these things in advance. After all, there isn’t anything official about such designations. And it’s not like the Chinese custom of naming them after animals.
But maybe 1998 will, in fact, be the year.
Why? Well, here are a few theories about why the timing might be right.
1. Men seem to be just about everywhere these days.
2. More and more men are trying to get in touch with various things.
3. Women want another “Year,” but most of them are aware that it’s good manners to take turns.
4. Men are diverse and multicultural.
5. Many men love being the center of attention.
6. Men are willing to do almost anything to take the spotlight off time-consuming explorations of women’s inner lives.
7. The first two letters in “Men” spell “Me.”
8. Fatherhood continues to be redefined even as we speak.
9. It’s so much fun to make broad-brush generalizations about men.
10. Approximately 85 percent of all women enjoy talking about men.
11. Men are topical.
12. Someone somewhere ought to get the chance to write this headline: “Men: The problem that won’t go away.”
13. Some men persist in defying stereotypes.
14. Many men look good in boxers.
15. The designation of 1998 as “The Year of the Man” might prompt some guy to declare, “Hey, I got your year right here.”
16. Males, a key consumer group, constitute an important market segment.
17. Men are full of love, compassion and important genetic information.
18. At least a few men always make People magazine’s year-end “Most intriguing people” list.
19. Men have so much potential.
20. Males recognize the absurdities of their own behavior almost better than any other gender.
21. Because someone ought to use this slogan: “Men: Still pretty darned good at hunting and gathering.”
22. Upper body strength.
23. Men still have a lot to learn and a special yearlong focus on their issues might help.
24. Men continue to give feminists an excellent reason for being.
25. Men would almost certainly share the year with women and children.
Today’s Slice question: What percentage of Inland Northwest residents could not possibly care less about the Rose Bowl?
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