The Slice It’s ‘Sackers For Slackers’ Time
It’s really none of our business.
But it always throws us when we see sackers carrying groceries for strong, healthy people.
Be right back: Anita Luiten of Davenport has a 20-month-old great-granddaughter in Moses Lake named Alyssa. And the little girl has seen members of her family issue obedience-school commands to a pet black lab. So it probably just proved that Alyssa is a quick learner when recently she went from person to person in the room and held up a hand and said “Stay!” and then hurried off to the bathroom.
Well, it was a nice thought: Last week was Professional Secretaries Week and Betty Hughes’ boss, a woman with a flair for the dramatic, wanted to do something special. So she arranged for Hughes to have a ride in a sleek corporate jet.
They flew all around Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. They buzzed and swooped.
And Hughes lost her breakfast.
After landing, Hughes and her boss were on their way back when they got into a traffic accident.
Said Hughes: “I told my boss that next year she could just give me flowers.”
Cough, cough: Othello’s Morris Thomas thinks the Idaho state bird should be the whooping crane.
Demoralizing Thefts Department: “A couple of years ago, we were sitting at the table enjoying breakfast one morning,” wrote Kris S. of Spokane. “A small car driven by a woman pulled up in front of our home. A young boy wearing a Boy Scout uniform jumped out of the back seat and the grabbed the fairly new Nerf Screamer football my son had left out in the front yard. He quickly got back in the car and the woman sped away.”
Slice answer: The best baby-sitter? “Channel 63,” said Mervin Swenson.
Thanks: To the Seafirst employee who found a Swell Paper staffer’s stolen purse on Maple Street and returned it to the newspaper’s guard station at 3:30 a.m.
Warm-up questions: Which is the area’s loudest health club? Do people who follow the NBA playoffs have a problem with people who follow the NHL playoffs and vice versa?
Today’s Slice question (fill in the blank): “I can always tell my boss is lying when….”
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Drawing of flowers
MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.