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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Lamm Says He, Too, Tried Marijuana

Associated Press

Former Colorado Gov. Richard Lamm, who recently lost his bid for the Reform Party’s presidential nomination, admitted Wednesday that he tried marijuana 25 years ago.

Lamm said friends offered him the marijuana during kayaking trips down the Green and Yampa rivers in northwest Colorado.

“We used to do a lot of kayaking, (it was) a great group of people. I remember looking into the coals of the fire … an interesting experience,” Lamm told KHOW Radio talk show host Peter Boyles.

A spokeswoman said the former governor “had nothing further to expand on other than what was said on the air.”

“I used to do a lot of kayaking … some people had some marijuana,” said Lamm. “I think I went on about three river trips, three kayak trips. Something like that. It was … the liquor of choice back in those days on kayaking trips.”

Lamm declined to name the other people on the river trips.