The Slice If Something Tastes Fishy, We’ll Let You Off The Hook
We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again.
You’re allowed to not like the taste of salmon. It’s OK. Really. It doesn’t mean you have to pack up and leave the Northwest.
Slice answer: When landscaper Pat McClenahan boards a bus and realizes he’s going to have to share a seat, he seeks out a spot next to an older rider. A lot of times, what they have to say is worth hearing, he said.
In Coeur d’Alene, you know it’s really spring when: The lady on 4th Street starts dressing up the ornamental goose in her yard, said Linda Fabrizius.
Pump up the local economy: Maybe there’s still time to talk your extended family into holding a latesummer reunion here.
And if it might help your case, you have our permission to describe both Glacier National Park and Puget Sound as “nearby.” (You would be amazed at how many people never actually look at maps.)
Slice answer: “It is the opinion of this 14-year-old dog lover that there should be a Lilac dog,” wrote Coeur d’Alene’s Ken Rock. “But a Lilac prince would be OK, too.”
And the winner is: Spokane’s Central Grange named Briton Wheeler its “Non-Granger Citizen of the Year.” He’s a little boy who used money he had been saving for a gocart to buy Christmas gifts for several needy local people.
INW moments, No. 51: Sitting in the Cannon Street Grill in Browne’s Addition listening to “CBC’s Sunday Morning” on the radio.
Oh no, another shaving story: “When my son, Scooter, was 2 years old, he decided to explore his father’s bathroom,” wrote Othello’s Maureen Pierre. “Luckily, I checked on him just as he decided to shave his tongue with his father’s razor. I was horrified to think what I might find as I quickly removed the razor from his mouth. Thank heaven the tongue remained nick-free with only the flavor of shaving cream left behind.”
Warm-up question: Do all adult children with siblings keep track of who is, at the moment, considered by the parents to be the “good daughter” or “bad son”?
Today’s Slice question: What’s the No. 1 most common name around here? (John Nelson? Mary Smith?)
, DataTimes MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.