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How To Order Mexican Food Healthfully

Nancy Byal Better Homes And Gardens Magazine

At first glance, the menu at your favorite Mexican restaurant looks fairly healthful. You feel confident when you order beans, rice and meatless or seafood enchiladas. Don’t be fooled. It pays to look a little closer. The following points will help you order wisely.

Tortillas, the foundation of Mexican cooking, are fairly nutritious on their own. It’s how they’re filled and cooked that makes the nutritional difference. Scan the menu to find nonfried offerings. For example, look for a burrito, the baked (and healthier) version of the deep-fried chimichanga.

When you crave fried foods, ask that they be cooked in vegetable oil (which contains polyunsaturated fats) instead of lard (which has saturated fat).

Go easy on the fried tortilla chips and salsa.

Request that the amount of cheese (queso) in your entree be halved, or that a lower-fat cheese be substituted. Cheesy, meatless dishes are often higher in fat than meat entrees.

Avoid entrees that are swimming in creamy or cheesy sauces. Even if they’re made with low-fat chicken or seafood, the sauce may negate any fat savings.

Limit indulgences. If you have a high-fat favorite, order a small portion as part of a combination plate that offers predominantly healthful choices.

Put together your own nutritious combination plate from a la carte or side-dish menu sections.

Ask how the beans are cooked and seasoned. Beans provide fiber, but they may be high in fat (often lard) if fried, or high in sodium if too heavily seasoned. Simmered beans or meatless chili may make a better choice than refried beans.

To include more vegetables in your meal, request extra lettuce and tomato on the side.

Many Mexican-style desserts are either fried or based on cream and eggs, making them high in fat. When your sweet tooth begs for dessert, order one dessert and several forks so you can share.