Assault Charge Filed In Shooting On U.S. 395
A Spokane man has been charged in the drive-by shooting of a car south of Lind, Wash., earlier this week.
One man in the car suffered neck wounds from flying glass.
Jason R. Maughan, 25, has been charged with second-degree assault in Adams County Superior Court.
After the shooting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jonathon R. Hoffman of Kennewick was taken to East Adams Rural Hospital, where he was treated for neck injuries.
The shooting occurred while Hoffman and Francine L. Morse, both 19, were resting in their car on U.S. Highway 395 two miles south of Lind.
They were lying down in the car when the driver’s side rear window exploded inward.
Hoffman and Morse saw a car heading north on U.S. 395 and chased it at speeds in excess of 100 mph until they reached Ritzville, about 15 miles away.
There, the victims called police with a description of the vehicle they had pursued.
State patrol troopers arrested Maughan on suspicion of driving under the influence, then turned him over to Adams County authorities.
A semiautomatic pistol was found in Maughan’s vehicle.
, DataTimes