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Food Finds

What you first notice about the cinnamon rolls from Dolly’s Corner Cafe and the Skyway Cafe is how heavy they are. Rich and chewy, subtly sweet, they’re truly out of this world. In fact, one taster compared them to black holes in outer space, allowing no light - or calories - to escape.

Price: $1.95, in plain, raisin, pecan and walnut. Halves also sold. For large orders, call by 2 p.m. the day before.

Available: Dolly’s Corner Cafe, N1825 Washington (325-9034); Skyway Cafe, Felts Field (534-5986).

MEMO: Food Finds is a weekly feature of IN Food that highlights food-related products available in our area. Have a suggestion? Send it to: Food Finds, Features Department, The SpokesmanReview, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Or call 459-5446, or fax us at 459-5098.

Food Finds is a weekly feature of IN Food that highlights food-related products available in our area. Have a suggestion? Send it to: Food Finds, Features Department, The SpokesmanReview, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Or call 459-5446, or fax us at 459-5098.