Homeland Response Force Drill
The Army National Guard demonstrates their Homeland Response Force, a newly-funded quick-response team that will provide security, medical, decontamimation and search-and-rescue capabilities, on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. The HRF a team of 500 or so Guard members, will be an intermediate response to a major incident and will bring security, medical, decontamination and search and rescue capabilities.
Section:Picture story

Austin Larson wears a rubber makeup appliance simulating a horrific stomach wound as he wails for help as instructed for his part in a disaster drill in Spokane Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. At left is Patience Ryan.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review

Spec. Jeffrey Wood, from Kennewick, dons a breathing mask to prepare for his part in a disaster drill in Spokane Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011.
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At a regional fire training facility in Spokane, a two-person National Guard triage team assess a victim, played by Kawika Vargas, during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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Andrea Sawyer, a volunteer, wears a mask of gory makeup and waits to be treated by National Guard units taking part in a disaster simulation at a regional fire training facility in Spokane during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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Wearing a fully-sealed chemical suit, Staff Sgt. Stephanie Conesa watches mock victims file into the medical and decontamination area during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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Glen Taylor, acting the part of a wounded citizen for his part in a disaster drill, is loaded onto a stretcher at a regional fire training center in Spokane Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011.
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At a regional fire training facility in Spokane, a National Guard triage team decontaminates a non-ambulatory victim on an assembly line during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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After washing the victim, a National Guard team uses an electronic sniffer to check for residual contamination on a non-ambulatory victim on an assembly line during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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A mock victim is decontaminated by a National Guard soldier in a full chemical suit in a disaster drill in Spokane Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011 at the regional fire training center near Spokane Community College.
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National Guard soldiers strip out of their chemical suits during a drill to certify the readiness of a Homeland Response Force.
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