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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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For those watching out for Santa, NORAD knows where he is



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For 60 years, the U.S. military has had a special relationship with Santa Claus.

It started with connecting kids to Claus by phone back in 1955. This year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command tracks the old guy and shows what he’s up to online or mobile devices, with a website available in eight languages.

A long list of military and charity organizations put all this together now, but it actually started with a mistake. In 1955, a newspaper ad in Colorado told children they could call Santa direct. But the number was misprinted and rang at the duty commander’s desk for the Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center, the predecessor of NORAD.

They’re the folks with radar scanning the skies for any unexpected flying objects, so the misprint was a lucky coincidence. The Air Force wouldn’t want to scramble the fighters and ready the nuclear triad for a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. Staff at the command center fielded the calls and the operation grew over the years as military and personal technology got more sophisticated.

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