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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

The day after

Kim Kieburtz sent me an email Sunday afternoon.

"Just wanted to share a Bloomsday story that exemplifies the generosity and humor of Bloomies.

"My phone flew out of my pocket shortly after the start, but I was unable to stop and grab it because of the crush of humanity. Not one to get attached to material goods, I figured it was a goner.

"Little did I know that Jennifer Adams-Scarr and Jenny Yoakum had picked up my phone and took silly selfies with it at each mile marker.

"They kindly returned my phone after the race and declined my offer of a small reward. Jennifer said she just wants me to 'Pass the love of friendships and fun on to others.'

"Will do, ladies!"

Then there was this, from Lisa Nunlist.

"Polyester is against my personal religion. I'm pleased with my many proud cotton Bloomie shirts.

"Imagine my disgust when I drug my blistered, tired self across the finish line only to touch the 2016 nasty, cheap, 40% poly-freakin'-ester crummy T-shirt."

The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.