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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Sirens & Gavels

Skinhead’s lawyer: Jail only worsens him

A self-described skinhead will spend nearly 10 years in prison for a federal gun charge. 

James Daniel Bacon, who deputies say damaged a jail house door during a recent tantrum, has spent more than a third of his life in jail.

The 23-year-old's lawyer cited that when asking for him to receive a sentence of just 70 months instead of the 92 to 115 recommended by federal prosecutors.

"Prison clearly has not reformed Mr. Bacon to date," according to a sentencing memorandum by John B. McEntire. A lengthier prison sentence "will further engrain into Mr. Bacon violence and aggression - more so if he is designated to an Administrative-Maximum United States Penitentiary, which is likely the case," McEntire continued.

Bacon has been in solitary confinement at the Spokane County Jail since his arrest in December 2010. McEntire said anger, destruction of property and attacks on jail staff "are the exact type of conduct that (an expert) mentions as being a byproduct of solitary confinement."

A doctor who evaluated Bacon in April said his intelligence and insight make him a good candidate for behavioral therapy to address his antisocial personality disorder, McEntire said.

U.S. District Judge Wm. Fremming Nielsen rejected McEntire's request last Thursday and ordered Bacon to spend 115 months in prison, with credit for time served in jail. Bacon was arrested Dec. 7 after running from Spokane police with a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun.  He pleaded guilty to felon in posession of a firearm.

He also was convicted of misdemeanor assault for punching a man charged with producing child pornography when the two shared a holding cell at the federal courthouse in March.

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