Once again: Fed bear is dead bear, people injured

WILDLIFE -- It's the same disheartening "Fed-bear Dead-bear" story retold this time with an additional little twist of human denial at best, or maybe just stupidity.
State wildlife officials have captured and euthanized two food-conditioned black bears west of Kalispell, but they say someone else continues to feed the bruins, making it difficult for them to catch a bear suspected of attacking and injuring an elderly woman in her house, according to the Associated Press.
Fish, Wildlife and Parks investigator Brian Sommers said the woman who was attacked on Sept. 27 had been regularly feeding the bears.
The two female bears that were euthanized on Sept. 29 and 30 had bellies full of sunflower seeds and bird seed.
That means someone else is feeding the bears in the Ashley Lake area, hampering agency’s ability to trap the offending bear, Eric Wenum, FWP bear specialist says.
Sommers asked people to remove all supplemental feed from their yards and noted that whoever is feeding the bears can be cited for obstructing the investigation.