Forest fires alter hiking options in wilderness
A forest fire was burning in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in July 2013. (Jim Czirr)
HIKING -- With the wildfire season kicking into high gear, be sure to call ahead before leaving on a backcountry trip -- and have an alternate plan even if you get a green light.
Jim Czirr of Spokane sent in this report after returning from a trek in the Bob Marshall Wilderness:
I just got back from the Bob Marshalls where I was hiking the last several days. My brother in law and I were the last ones to slip down Red Shale Meadows trail before they closed it due to the forest fires up there.
The attached photos were taken Saturday PM around 3 or 4 PM Mountain time near the Red Shale fire. The fire was a few hundred yards from the trail.
We did the section of the CDT from Lake Levale to Red Shale. Went in Route Pass and out Headquarters, a nice 50 mile loop or so entering the wilderness outside of Choteau.