Spokane ranks among top outdoors towns in magazine’s list

OUTDOORS -- Spokane is featured in Outside magazine's 2013 list of 18 Best Towns for outdoors enthusiasts.
Park City, Utah, was ranked No. 1 by a feature in the September issue.
I'm proud Spokane is in the spotlight. I know that even a lot of folks who live in this area don't realize what we have in terms of four-season recreation for a wide, wide range of interests.
Other great outdoor towns on Outside's list range from Honolulu to Boston, with niches like Bozeman, Mont., and Minneapolis, sprinkled in between.
While I agree with the distinction, Outside's writeup on Spokane is vague, lacking and slim on details regarding why this region is such a great place for people who love the outdoors. I'm OK with that. Discovery is part of the adventure.
Best Town stories often are low-budget deals for the magazines. This is an example of that, including a outdated photo of the Riverside State Park footbridge from a Seattle-based stock photography outfit. Geez.
We're still underrated in so many ways.... shhhhh.
I'll continue to help you count the ways as I've been doing since leaving Montana to make Spokane my home in 1977.